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发布时间: 2022-05-18 14:05
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[1]Huang,L.,Shahtahmassebi,A.,Gan,M.,Deng,J.,Wang,J.,&Wang,K.(2020).Characterizing spatial patterns and driving forces of expansion and regeneration of industrial regions in the Hangzhou megacity,China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 253,119959.

[2]Huang,L.,Wu,Y.,Zheng,Q.,Zheng,Q.,Zheng,X.,Gan,M.,...&Zhang,J.(2018).Quantifying the spatiotemporal dynamics of industrial land uses through mining free access social datasets in the mega Hangzhou Bay region,China. Sustainability, 10(10),3463.

[3]Ye,Y.,Huang,L.,Zheng,Q.,Liang,C.,Dong,B.,Deng,J.,&Han,X.(2021).A feasible framework to downscale NPP-VIIRS nighttime light imagery using multi-source spatial variables and geographically weighted regression. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 104,102513.

[4]Lin,Y.,Chen,X.,Huang,L.,Zhu,C.,Shahtahmassebi,A.,Zhang,J.,...&Gan,M.(2021).Fine-scale mapping of urban ecosystem service demand in a metropolitan context:A population-income-environmental perspective. Science of The Total Environment, 781,146784.

[5]Ye,Y.,Deng,J.,Huang,L.,Zheng,Q.,Wang,K.,Tong,C.,&Hong,Y.(2020).Modeling and Prediction of NPP-VIIRS Nighttime Light Imagery Based on Spatiotemporal Statistical Method. IEEET ransactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 59(6),4934-4946.

[6]Ye,Y.,Xue,X.,Huang,L.,Gan,M.,Tong,C.,Wang,K.,&Deng,J.(2020).A new perspective to map the supply and demand of artificial night light based on Loujia1-01 and urban big data. Journal of Cleaner Production, 276,123244.

[7]Zheng,Q.,Weng,Q.,Huang,L.,Wang,K.,Deng,J.,Jiang,R.,...&Gan,M.(2018).A new source of multi-spectral high spatial resolution night-time light imagery—JL1-3B. Remote sensing of environment, 215,300-312.

[8]Gan,M., Huang,L.,You,S.,Hua,Y.,Pan,Y.,Deng,J.,&Wang,K.(2014,November).Monitoring coastal land reclamation and land use change around Hangzhou Bay using Landsat dataset(1970s-2014).In Land Surface Remote SensingII (Vol.9260,p.92603X).International Society for Optics and Photonics.


2010.09-2014.06  浙江大学环境与资源学院 农业资源与环境      本科

2014.09-2020.08  浙江大学环境与资源学院  农业遥感与信息技术 直接攻博

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